new exposition format for Ukraine at the exhibition
Participation in the special exposition Ukrainian Hospitality Days provides an opportunity for all cities and regions to present the whole spectrum of hospitality atmosphere of their region for both Ukrainian tourists and foreign guests.
Exhibitors (with stands):
- regional and city state administrations;
- conceptual hotels;
- local cuisine;
- gastronomic souvenirs;
- restaurants with their own unique atmosphere;
- coffee shops;
- breweries;
- wine and organic farms;
- special local entertainments;
- profile associations and associations;
- airports;
- local tour operators.
Purpose of participation. At the stand exhibitors will meet with guides and tour operators, which will continue fruitful cooperation in the future and will be included in tourist routes for a stable flow of tourists (guests) throughout the year.
Gastrolocation are special stands, where business of the region / city (restaurants, coffee shops, breweries, farms, wine farms, etc.) has the opportunity to present and sell gastronomic raisins of their region:
- gastronomic souvenirs;
- gastronomic networks;
- demonstrate the features of local cuisine, inventions and achievements of individual restaurants of the region.
Cuisine: South, North, East + Center, West of Ukraine.
Each participant of the exhibition has an opportunity to present a presentation of his region (atmosphere of hospitality and possibilities of the hospitality industry of the region, the kitchen, etc.) in the special zone.
Business zone. For convenience of exhibitors there is a business zone for conducting business negotiations.
Visitors of exposition
Tour operators and guides - these are market players, who form tourist routes and make decisions about including your restaurant, hotel, farm, entertainment facility, etc. to the tourist route for the reception of groups of tourists.
Attention to business representatives: for detailed information concerning participation in UHD, please contact the city / regional state administrations. Contacts of responsible persons are provided by the organizers of the exhibition upon request: [email protected], + 38-044-496-86-45 (adds 241, 242).
Important: it is important to present atmosphere and infrastructure of your region's hospitality at the stand of your city / region: hotel and conference facilities, business and leisure facilities in correspond locations, offers of entertainment establishments, gastronomic routes of the city / region, gastronomic souvenirs, local cuisine.