6 Tips to Make the Most of your Visit

Online registration for the exhibition. We recommend you to register for the exhibition online. This will significantly save your time on the first day of visiting the exhibition - no need to stand in queue and fill in a form, you can immediately go to the exposition.
Find the companies you need and their stands. You can preview
list of participants of the exhibition on our website. Directly on the days of the exhibition, you will receive an official route planner at the registration desk. It will help you easily navigate on place: there will be an exhibition plan with stand numbers, list of participants and a full program of the events for all three days.

Check out the business programme. We have a full
programme of conferences, seminars, panel and roundtable discussions. Check out schedule of educational events on our website and select the most interesting ones for you.
Plan your trip. We recommend you to get to the venue using underground or other public transport. If you use your own car, note that the number of parking places at IEC entrance is limited.
Ukrainian Hospitality Days. Visit the special exposition
Ukrainian Hospitality Days, where cities and regions of Ukraine present their best travel offers. You can easily find this exposition on the exhibition plan at the entrance or in the route planner - it will be highlighted.

Always in touch with you. Join us on social networks:
Facebook, Instagram, Telegram - in order to receive all updates about the exhibition